How to love yourself unconditionally: 4 strategies

Besides the obvious fact that you have to be with you for life, loving yourself is one of the most important and most overlooked aspects of living an extraordinary life. Below, you’ll learn how to love yourself unconditionally using four easy strategies.

Loving yourself is also a critical aspect of being likable. It’s crucial if you want to attract great people into your life. People instinctively and unconsciously like to be around people that love themselves. They exude confidence and occur as natural leaders.

When you are settled in who you are — in other words, you love yourself unconditionally — you present to others as a confident force who is passionate about life. (see also: How to improve self-esteem)how to love yourself unconditionally

You also show up as someone who stands for what you believe in. What I mean by this, is that you express your opinions, and you do it in a way that aren’t a put off to others.

You don’t waiver when other people think differently than you on certain topics. You believe in yourself and you follow your truth. And, when you really want something you are unstoppable in pursuing it.  

Being good with you is a crucial component of your likeability factor too. It’s something you should nurture and tend to. Like any relationship it takes work. It requires that you actively commit to learning how to: Manage and set aside negative thoughts about yourself when you have them; honor your strengths and greatest traits, and; treat yourself with kindness and respect. How to love yourself unconditionally is not difficult. But it takes conscious effort.

People will sense when you don’t love yourself. It will affect their desire to want to be around you. Here are some simple steps you can take to have a great relationship with you.

How to love yourself unconditionally

Spend Time with Yourself

When you spend time alone, you can hear your thoughts. You can be silent and listen to what you are telling you and what you know you need. Listen and honor what that inner voice says. I recommend having a dedicated “me time” date every week.

In addition, you may want to start a practice of mirror work. This is a daily ritual where you stand in front of the mirror, hang out with yourself, and tell yourself you’re awesome.

Many people have difficulty being with themselves in the mirror. With continued practice of doing this for as little as two minutes a day within as little as a week you will experience a tremendous boost of confidence. This will translate to increased results in all areas of your life.

Honor Your Inner Voice

All people have an instinct, a sixth sense, for knowing what they need. Part of loving yourself means honoring your little voice. When it tells you to do something, reflect on what it’s saying.

When you listen regularly you will hear recurring themes. Honor your voice by doing what it tells you. This is especially true when something nags at you and continues to speak to you.

Feed Your Ego

It’s very important you feed the ego part of yourself. This is the selfish part of you. It’s the part that wants that new outfit when you’re out shopping, or to eat that piece of cake.

It’s crucial you feed your ego regularly. If you don’t — if you starve your desires — this self-denial will bite you in the butt. One day you’ll mentally collapse or have might have a mini-breakdown. You have to indulge in your healthy desires. (Even if the occasional piece of cake is unhealthy, it’s health to indulge.)

Use the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time do what is sensible and what is good for versus what you feel like doing. 20% of the time indulge in the things you want and desire for no reason.

Don’t feel bad about doing this. It’s important. If you don’t indulge on regular basis you will force yourself into an unhealthy state of desire. Not honoring the ego will have it turn against you.

Ever seen a dieter starve themselves for weeks on kale and then one day lose their mind and blow through all the food in their kitchen cupboards sniffing out every sugary crumb? This is the kind of situation you want to avoid.

Positive Self Talk

Every human has a constant negative voice that runs in their head. When your internal voice says negative things do you tell it to “shut up”? Sometimes you just have to do this.

If you have trouble telling yourself you’re awesome and avoiding your negative self talk, having a weekly date with yourself and doing mirror work with positive affirmations, is even more important of practice.

If there are times where your negative self talk becomes unbearable, you may want to have someone in your life tell you you’re full of BS. Really. Take control of the negative voice. Thank it for sharing and tell it to go stuff it. It will never go away, but you can learn to dominate it.

Some people think that loving yourself is not easy. Some don’t think twice about it. It depends how you were raised. Who you role models were. And what kind of parenting you had.

No one teaches you to actively love yourself. It’s not something we’re taught to do. But it’s the most important thing. And it can be learned. You can overcome a life of not loving yourself. Regardless of how old you are today. And the sooner you start to do it, the sooner you’ll get good at it. And that’s when you will transform and life will suddenly start to become easier. It is actually a bit of a miracle.

This skill is critical when it comes to your ability to be a business partner, friend, a parent and especially a spouse. If you don’t love you, how can you love and appreciate others?

If you don’t love you, how can you live a life you love that does you justice? Loving yourself translates to massive power. When you can get to that place life becomes really easy. And success will come naturally in every part of your life.

It’s not like you just wake up and suddenly love yourself. It’s like any relationship – it takes work. Somedays it’s harder to love yourself than others. With practice and a commitment to it you will become a master. Do the work. You will reap the benefits.

Let’s talk about specifics. Here is a simple exercise.

  1. Close your eyes and clear your mind for a few seconds.
  2. Breathe deeply.
  3. Now and think about how awesome you are. You can even say in your head to yourself: “I am awesome.” You can list the reasons why, if you like.
  4. Then listen.
  5. Soon, your inner critic will voice its opinion. It might occur like doubt. Or it may ridicule you: “This is a dumb exercise.” or…”You actually believe this crap?” Or it may immediately say. No you are not. Remember the time that you…[it will then tell you what you did that was not awesome].
  6. Notice what it says. If it is complimentary, thank it. (It might, but probably won’t.) If it is not complimentary, thank it for its opinion. Or if it’s nasty. Tell it to shut up. Discard all the reasons it gives you why it disagrees with you. Reaffirm why you are awesome.
  7. This may not be easy for some. That’s ok. It takes practice.
  8. If sometime comes up that you see is not awesome, forgive yourself. Acknowledge it. Something like…”Ok, yes I wasn’t awesome that time, but I am now and will be in future.”

If you’d like to incorporate a mirror work practice into your life or encourage yourself to think more positively about yourself, download and use this free audio pep talk tool and watch the video here.

How to create a mega-magnetic business – Six immutable laws

A successful business means being great with people. Because the truth is, whether you sell your products or services primarily in-person or online or both, you need to attract people to your business as if there is an mega-magnet inside your business.

Actually, there is. It’s you and the brand you create. And what is a brand? A feeling. An experience. And emotional connection. (Not just a logo!)

There are six immutable laws that will guarantee that your gravity-defeating business magnetism is always on and all powerful.

Use the laws to have people love you, your brand and as a consequence your business when they meet you in-person or interact with you online.

Law 1: Create an experience and outcome before you engage

Before you send an email to your list, post on social media or walk into a networking event, – basically, before you interact with anyone every in your business – ask yourself these two questions:

  1. How do I want the people that I interact with to feel when we say goodbye? (in other words – how do you want them to experience you?)
  2. What outcome do I want to produce from having had this communication?

Asking yourself these two questions has you be more conscious and aware of how you’re behaving in the interaction. It allows you to actively create how other people perceive you.

For instance, If you want people to see you as funny, when you are conscious of this, you’ll make an effort in the interaction with them to tell some jokes and get them laughing. You want someone to see you as smart you’ll make an effort to create an intellectual connection on a shared topic of interest.

Question #2 above allows you to be intentional about why you’re communicating with this person or people. All communication has an outcome. Sometimes it’s to create bonds with another person. Sometimes it’s to access valuable information. Sometimes it’s to land sales.


Before you engage, you decide I am going to be incredibly charming and land 10 business leads at this meeting.
As you engage: Smile. Be interested in people. Find fascination in them. Be warm. Make them laugh. BE CHARMING. As questions.
Before you exit: Offer something of value that can be delivered later. Ask for business cards or contact info. Promise to follow-up.  Don’t stop until you have 10 contacts.

Law #2: Be integrous

Do what you say you’re going to do in business and your life. Rarely do people stick to this rule. If you say you’re going arrive at a certain time to an event, arrive at that time. If you say you’re going to email people once a week, do that.

Most people are lazy with their word. So the simple act of following through on what you say you’re going to do will have people respect and trust you. In fact they will think you are extraordinary because no one is their word all the time. You won’t always be your word, but being intentional will raise your level of integrity and follow through.

Law #3:  Be a tunnel listener

Are you listening to the people in your target market (online and offline)? Or, are you deciding you know what they want and need and trying to push it on them.

Most people are terrible listeners in-person, which also makes them bad at listening to their market by being aware of the online messages their people are sending them. Even if you think you’re a brilliant listener it’s likely you are not even halfway there.

Listening is not a passive skill, it is an ACTIVE skill. It requires you give your complete attention to another and continuously learn to block out your own thoughts as the pour into your head moment to moment. When you refine your in-person listening skills you become better at listening everywhere. You will start to notice what people are saying without using language to say it. That’s the sweet spot for marketing any business.

Law #4: Listen to your business and let it lead

Businesses often fail because the person running the company is an ARTIST or CREATOR and not a true ENTREPRENEUR. What I mean by this is that they decide and choose what the business needs without first asking and listening to what the people buying from the business need. These are two very different approaches.

For example, let’s say I want to run a successful clothing boutique. I create a target market, I create purchase an initial inventory of clothing that I love and think will be great. And then I setup a warehouse so I can fulfill it.  Now, I can be an ARTIST and continue purchasing items I like for more store thinking others will obviously love them, or I could pay attention to what the hot items are and buy more of those and keep more inventory in my warehouse.

Entrepreneurs are willing to crush all their notions and ideas about how their business should work and what people should by and what their target market will love. They let the business lead. They take themselves out of the equation.

So, when you communicate in-person or online, if you want people to love you and your brand let them lead the conversation. Find out what they love. Listen to what they want to talk about.

Rule #5: Hold everyone in high esteem

Be gracious with your followers and customers and clients, suppliers and partners, and everyone in your life. Look for the opportunity in them that they can’t see for themselves. Believe they are capable of more than they may think themselves. Speak to them as if they have already succeeded. Leave them feeling greater than when you found them.

Rule #6: Be memorable

If you want people to love you and your business be memorable. Be unique. This should not be hard for you to do since there is only one you. Share your YOU-ness with the world. There are qualities that make you different than other people. So express yourself and your business with personality.

How to ask for help …and why you should ask more often

How to ask for help
How to ask for help and why you should ask more often… and

Learn how to ask for help…

Most people suck at asking for help. And, I’m not talking about asking for help when you’re in crisis. I’m talking about turning to people on your social feeds (like Twitter and Facebook) and in your life for support with the little things you get stuck with.

It’s really not difficult. These days, the Internet has made asking for help a no-brainer.

But if you’re like most people, you are not asking for help when you should. Take a moment to consider – what are you stuck with right now ? Who in your communities (online and offline) could you ask for advice, guidance or fresh ideas?

Now, why haven’t you asked? What’s in the way of you asking?

Pride? Perhaps.

Are you embarrassed to ask for help?

You’re embarrassed? Could be.

Think you know everything and can solve everything yourself. Maybe?

Don’t want to bother someone? Yeah, that may seem like a valid reason, but most people actually LOVE to help.

Now, this may surprise you, here is the most common and overlooked reason why most people don’t ask for help when they’re stuck:

Asking for help is not a habit you’ve developed

If you rarely ask for support, you’re probably used to doing things yourself.  This is the case for most people.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes waiting to ask for help is a good thing. It’s important you use your own brain power and resources to solve issues yourself. It’s how you become a good problem-solver and feel confident about your abilities to navigate and survive.

But, if you’re like most people, you do too much yourself and wait far too long to get help. Which means, you get stuck far longer than you need to.

So, how do you get better at asking for help? DO IT. Look at what you’re challenged by right now in your goals – it could be business (e.g. How to I get more media exposure? how do I land more customers?) or in your personal life (e.g. I want to meet someone amazing. Or, I am having trouble in my relationship/marriage.)

Think about who you could ask. Asking for support takes practice. So commit to asking one person for help today or this week.

When you ask for help, it just makes practical sense. That’s especially true if you want to be successful in business and life. But, here are some other reasons to develop the habit…

Why you should ask for help more often 

Why you should ask for help more often

1) You’ll achieve what you want in a shorter amount of time

Get stuck in your business or personal life? Try and figure it out first, but if you can’t, turn to your communities. Ask 1 to 3 people and it’s likely you’ll find a quick solution. What that really means is, you spend less time wasting time and more time being in action!

2) You’ll increase your productivity levels

Have a million things to manage? Ask for help in your business or personal life. That means making requests of other people to help you manage the tasks that need to get done. 

3) You may learn something that leads to massive success

Get inspired. When you ask others for help sometimes the answer that comes back is instantly inspiring. You’ll be introduced to ideas you never thought of. It will expand your thinking in massive ways. And give you new ways to solve problems and overcome barriers.

4) You’ll reduce error

People who have been there before you in a specific situation may share valuable wisdom and insight that will steer you away from making similar mistakes that they made. 

5) You’ll create deeper bonds

Here’s a good reason. Share your struggles and ask for help because it tightens the bonds between you and the people in your communities. More allies strengthens your efforts. And it opens the door for them you to help them. You might even make a sale or two in your business along the way. 

You give another person an opportunity

People really love to help others. Most people will jump at the opportunity. They feel flattered to be asked. Contributing to you and helping you makes them feel incredible! Just think of a time where someone asked you for your expertise. Didn’t you feel good to give guidance?

So, how do you get started? What do you need to do to actually get in action versus just read this blog post and think to yourself “hmmm…I should get in action more,” but then, not do it. Here are some simple actions you can take today:

1: Just do it

Seriously. Ask for help or make a request of someone today. It can be small. You can do it through email or social media. But really take a look at where you’re stuck, consider who you could ask and then ask. Keep it short and concise and to the point. Stop right here and go write a quick email to ask for something. Go on…then come back because there’s more cool stuff below!

2: Learn how to be an effective request maker

There’s a communication formula you can learn and when you use it you’ll be able to make a request of someone and get a “yes”. You can grab the tool here as it will make you more confident in making requests.

3: Use Quora

Sign up on Quora. Ask any question on any topic.  See what answers you get. (You can find me there too)

4: Use the Ask Kay feature on the ALC site for anything you’d like coaching on

You’ll receive coaching within 24 hours over email for only $1 per question. Use it for FREE the first time you use it.

5: Find an expert on Clarity

Hire an expert in almost any field on Clarity. Advice costs $0.30 to $20 per minute, depending on the credentials of the expert you talk to.

6. Start or join a mastermind group

A mastermind group is a team of about five or six people who are looking to achieve success in the same area of life. They usually meet once a week on a call or in-person to trade ideas and support one another. Join one online or in your area or start your own.

You have the reasons. You have the options for actions. Massive results can come from one small action today.

And, to get ongoing support with all your up to in your life join Awesome Life Club if you haven’t already. It’s the free club on the web dedicated to your greatness.

Dogs are brilliant teachers if you’re willing to listen to their lessons

Life teaches us lessons at every turn and even in surprising moments. Today (Aug. 26) is National Dog Day and it’s no exception. So it’s a good day to share with you how my dog transformed me.

As a life coach I’m used to training other people, but some of the biggest lessons come from my own life. This is the the story about a badly behaved dog and how I learned to love her…

Two years ago, my husband wanted a dog for Christmas. He whined and complained like a two year old about it for weeks. So while we had just moved into a new house and had a young baby, I gave in.

I searched for an entire month and found the perfect dog for our family. His name is Lt. General Battles and he is 120 lbs of love. He’s a gentle giant. He is sweet well-trained and quite a genius. We love him and have never met anyone who doesn’t. He’s a rockstar of a dog.

Lt. General Battles and I
Lt. General Battles and I enjoying each other’s company in the dog park near our home.

The day we picked up Battles from the humane society we saw a sad hound mix lying sadly in a cage next to him. Our heart ached for her and we couldn’t leave her. So, we adopted two dogs that day, Battles and Gracie.

I’ve loved Battles from day one. To me, he is perfect.

Gracie, well, she’s a bit of nutcase. She doesn’t listen, she has accidents in the house from time to time, she tears up our furniture. Gracie is a nervous wreck. And we’ve tried many things to help the poor thing to no avail.

Gracie the hound mix.
Gracie the hound mix.

I’d like to love her like I love Battles, but man, this dog makes it really hard.

How my dog transformed me

Then, the other night something happened that was transformational for me and for my relationship with her. I looked at Gracie and had the following series of thoughts…

Geez Gracie, why do you have to be such a dumbass? You make it so hard for me to love you. I’d like to, but you’re such an idiot. 

Well, she’s not really an idiot, she’s just a dog.

And, she’s been through a lot of hurt. In her past, people were really mean to her. 

It makes sense that she’s fearful and nervous and has accidents. It makes sense that she has trouble being loving with people. 

Poor thing.

Wow, she kind of reminds me of me.

I was hurt in the past by people when I was a kid. And while I’ve gotten over it, I still have trouble sometimes. I can still be stingy with my love for other people. Sometimes I avoid getting too close to others out of a fear of being hurt by them. 

And, I thought to myself:

I’ve been stingy loving her because she’s not perfect. It’s the same thing I’ve gotten mad at people in my past for doing to me.

I haven’t given her the unconditional love she deserves. So she’s not perfect. Battles really isn’t either. No one is perfect. No dog. No human.

What if I just loved her and loved everyone regardless of what they do or don’t do. Love Gracie and others unconditionally like I love my young son. It’s like people need to meet certain “measures” to gain my love. 

If I’m doing it to my dog, who else am I doing this to?

How I transformed my dog

From that moment, I committed to shifting this in myself.  A good life coach is always looking at what’s missing. I’ve decided to make an effort to be loving with Gracie and with people in my life. To make an effort to be compassionate and kinder with strangers, even.

Since this revelation, Gracie and I have connected. She comes to me for pets and attention. She never did that before. The other night I let her up on couch even and we cuddled.

I know that as I continue to make progress with her I’ll give her a real chance to understand that humans are really loving and not to be feared, that she doesn’t need to be nervous. I also give myself a chance to open up my heart more with not just her but other people.

What is your dog trying to teach you?

And so, since it’s National Dog Day, here is the takeaway: There is so much to learn in every moment of life, including from our dogs.

What is your dog trying to teach you?

Perhaps, it’s to relax and take it easy. Maybe it’s to have more fun. Or, maybe it’s to open your heart and love unconditionally.

Today take a moment to ponder: What is your dog trying to teach you? And see what the answer is!

And, if you haven’t already, join the coolest free club on the web dedicated to your greatest: Join Awesome Life Club.

How to be aware of unconscious thoughts controlling your behavior

Have you ever wondered how to be more aware of unconscious thoughts controlling your behavior?

Well, first off, in any instance where you want to be more aware of what your subconscious thoughts are, get quiet, get still and listen to your inner voice.

You can learn a lot from being quiet, separating yourself from the action of your life and listening to what you have to say to, well, you!

Any time you are exhibiting a negative behavior that’s not how you want to be, there are two questions you can ask yourself that will help you delve deep and find out what you’re really dealing with.

Because, you see, humans are survival based and we go to great lengths to protect ourselves. We even lie and play tricks with ourselves sometimes. So, it helps to have a conversation with yourself and ask yourself what’s really going on.

Simply ask yourself the two questions below…

How to be more aware of the unconscious thoughts controlling your behavior

When you have a negative behavior you’d like to change you want to ask yourself:

Question 1: What am I being fake about in this instance? 

In other words, you want to get to what the underlying feeling, desire or fear is that is causing you to behave in a way you don’t want. You want to define what you’re pretending.

Then ask yourself…

Question 2: What am I trying cover up?

This is the reason for why you’re being fake about something. It’s the deep dark secret you’re trying to protect.

Here’s an example of a time I used this to get to the bottom of negative behavior I I was dealing with. It will help to illustrate how this can be used…


I had too much to do. My son was at home and needing my attention. And I had a lot of work projects to complete. The house was messy and it needed a clean among other housekeeping chores. And, I also had a few things I wanted to do for myself, such as go for a run.

I found myself feeling overwhelmed and I was taken by this emotion. There was no clarity. And I kept saying: “I have too much to do and I don’t know what to do”.  Despite my state of overwhelm, I recognized it as an negative emotion that I deal with a lot of the time.

So, I stopped, got quiet and asked myself these questions.

Question 1: What am I being fake about in this instance?

My internal answer: It’s not that I’m being fake about overwhelm because I really do feel that I am. But, I keep saying “I don’t know what to do”. That’s not true at all. That’s where I’m being inauthentic. I’m a master of organizing tasks and managing multiple things and have all the tools to do so.

Then I ask myself question 2…

Question 2: What am I trying cover up?

My state of confusion of “I don’t know what to do” is covering up the fact that I’m just tired and I want to use overwhelm and confusion to let myself off the hook to be responsible around doing anything.

What’s authentic for me here is that I’m tired and I have a lot to do and that I know how to manage it all. And when I have this revelation I feel calm and at peace. I realize I know what to do to manage my day, but that I also recognize I need to really relax and take a long break very soon.

Get real with yourself about what’s really going on

This process of asking and searching for the answers to these two questions allows you to get real with yourself about what’s really going on. When you’re willing to be honest, you will gain calm and clarity over anything you’re dealing with.

These are the best two questions to go to when you want to get to the root of a consistent negative behavior.

How to be aware of unconscious thoughts controlling your behavior