3 ways to be confident on demand

How to be confident on demand
How to be confident on demand

Let’s face it, when you are confident about yourself (and your abilities), it feels amazing. I’m sure you’d agree with that statement. In moments of confidence, we feel invincible, and we act accordingly.

On the flip side, a lack of confidence gets in the way of your ability to seize major opportunities and express yourself in all areas of life.

In the book, The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance, co-authors Claire Shipman and Katty Kay  goes as far as to say that confidence is:

“life’s enabler — it is the quality that turns thoughts into action.”

And taking action is crucial. It’s one of the only ways you make progress in all areas of life.

Without confidence, you could end up living a very small unfulfilled life. And that’s not you. Well, it’s not anybody. All humans are meant to be involved in life. To have fun. To feel. To enjoy. To be fully self-expressed.

So, lack of confidence, no more!  Here are three methods you can use to gain confidence in any moment when you lose it. Use whichever one you like and feel works for a given situation.

There are two free tools you can grab below. A template for building your own Awesome You List and a guide called: 12 Ways to Be Confident On-Demand.

And if you think they are silly or seem weird the first time you try them, stay with them. You’ll abandon that they are “silly”, and will get the tremendous results using them.

Be Confident on Demand – 3 Easy Methods

#1 – Build yourself an ‘Awesome You’ list:

Spend some time alone building a list that expresses why you are an incredible person. Make sure you have the list handy, that you can pull it up easily from your mobile phone, for example.

In times where don’t feel confident step away from what you are doing and read your awesome you list. It will help you become grounded in how powerful you are and the contribution you have to give.

What’s important is that when you build the list you brag about all the great qualities you have and your accomplishments. Indulge your ego! Write down all the reasons why you believe you’re awesome.

It can be anything from: “I take great pride in the way I look. I love my long brown hair”, to “I’m proud of the business I built two years ago and how it’s succeeded”, to “I’m an incredible mother. I bake cookies for my son, I play with him everyday, I make an effort to be with him each day”.

Build an awesome you list
Build an “Awesome You” list

If you have trouble generating your list you can query someone you have a close relationship with. Ask them why you are great. They might be able to tell you better than you can tell yourself. And when they do, listen and don’t dispute what they say.

Humans are great at ruining their positives traits with negative thoughts. Don’t let those run the show. The entire point of the list is for it to be used as a tool that reminds of your strengths. It’s meant to be a personal “cheerleader” for you at all times.

Personally, I use my awesome you list before I speak or am interviewed or before I meet people for the first time. It helps me shake off the nerves and reminds me that I am a valuable asset to all situations.

#2 – Character Modeling:

Take on the characteristics of someone else
Take on the characteristics of someone you admire

What if you were in a moment where you lacked confidence and you could immediately shift from being you to being the person you think is the ideal person for that situation? Like, you’re about to step on stage but you’re a pile of nerves because you’re not a practiced live speaker. Perhaps, you’d love to be like Oprah Winfrey who has spent her life interacting with people and being on stage and on tv.

You can do that. You can step out of being you and take on the characteristics of someone else. Think of it as if you are putting on a suit, or role-playing. Here’s how:

Mentally take a moment to think about the person you’d like to be in that moment. Sometimes it helps to close your eyes and visualize them and how they would behave in a similar situation. Then, mentally or on paper list the traits they exhibit that you admire.

Before you get into action, tell yourself you are going to be like that person. Alternatively, you can tell yourself you are going to model their traits. Anytime you lose confidence go back remind yourself of this.

If it helps, you can build an avatar – a detailed description – of how that person looks and behaves on paper. If have access to your avatar from anywhere you can remind yourself of the qualities you would like to exhibit.

Eventually, you’ll stop needing to put on your “character suit” because the behaviors you’ve been practicing are yours, because you’ve physically rewired your brain.

#3 – Visualizations: 

Your brain does not know the difference between you visualizing yourself taking action or physically taking action. The same pathways in the brain fire. The more a pathway is triggered the faster it speeds up. Which means, the action will become automatic to you and your body.

This means, you can mentally practice achieving any desired outcome. When you see yourself winning in your mind you’ll start to believe in yourself and become more confident.

So visualize a scenario where you see yourself being confident. You can visualize a performance many times prior to it. However, if you find yourself in a moment of weakness right before or during an activity, simply close your eyes for a few moments and see yourself achieving what you desire. In your minds eye, see yourself e confident on demand

For instance, if you’re standing behind a curtain waiting to go on stage and you’re feeling nervous, you can close your eyes and practice seeing yourself speaking eloquently in front of an engaged audience. When you step on stage the negative chatter will die and you’ll step into being confident.

These three confidence-boosting tactics can be used anytime, anywhere. Try them two or three times before you say they aren’t working for you. Get over the “this is silly, why am I doing this?” thoughts that you may have and do it anyway. You’ll love the results.

And, if you love what you’ve read here, grab this free guide: 12 Ways to Be Confident On-Demand.

How to decode body language and read unspoken communication

How to read body langauge
How to decode body language:  Free cheatsheet available in this post

Free body language cheatsheet – DOWNLOAD at the bottom of this post

Want to activate a SUPER POWER you already possess?

It’s the ability to read body language. In this post I am going to teach you how to decode body language and use it to your advantage.
There is also a free body language cheatsheet you can download at the bottom.

Millions of years ago, before humans developed an ability to speak, the main mode of communicating with the tribe was through throat grunts (how unsophisticated!) and by reading the body language cues of others.

The skill of reading body language is innate to all humans. But, as we’ve evolved, we now express ourselves with spoken language, most people have lost or dampened this natural ability.

Although most people are not particularly adept at read body language, we all use. Gestures are fired on autopilot. Most of the time you’re unaware of what you’re saying with your body. These knee-jerk reactions are controlled by your brain as you react to stimulus in your environment.

Just as others send signals to us, we send signals to them. And some people are better than others at decoding gestures.

Ask yourself: How aware are you of the signals you’re sending?  How aware are you of the signals people are sending to you?

It may surprise you to know that: 55 percent of communication is expressed using body language. (7% is through spoken word, and 38% through voice tone)

So, it’s worth learning to interpret the silent language of everyday gestures, and se it to your advantage.

And remember: People may lie with their words, but they never lie with their bodies.

When you activate this super power you’ll become an expert people reader. And, when you understand what others really think (behind what they say) you increase your chances of achieving outcomes you desire.

Below, are the top ten body language cues you should know. If you’d like a free body language cheatsheet you can download and print with the 10 cues and images CLICK HERE or download at the bottom of this post.

How to decode body language and read unspoken communication

Here is a summary of the 10 body language cues. These are illustrated in my free body langauge cheatsheet.

1.The pursed and stretched lip smile

When a person smiles without showing their teeth and by stretching their mouth as far as it will go from side to side they are hiding something from you. They either don’t like you, are withholding a negative opinion about you or what you are saying, or they know something you don’t and are not going to share.

2.The covered lip lie

If you are watching a person speak and they cover their mouth it’s a direct clue that they are lying. Ever heard the term “speak no evil”? It will help you remember this body language cue. Your brain unconsciously directs the hand to cover the mouth in an attempt to try to block out words of deceit.

3.The torso hug

Crossed arms is a closed off position. It signals that a person is not comfortable with you or doesn’t like what you’re saying. It doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like you. Some people have a tough time letting people get close to them because they’ve had a bad past experience by being hurt by a person or group of people. From this perspective, the arms crossed presents as a barrier of protection.

4.The one-handed head support

If a person supports their head with one hand and places an index finger pointing up along the side of the face, they are not interested or being critical about what you’re saying. Often they have an opposing opinion.

5. Increased blinking

This can be more difficult to notice, but when a person increase their blinking or leaves their eyes closed a bit longer than seems natural, they are bored by what you’re saying.

6. The pointed-foot stance

How legs are positioned send unconscious cues. In group settings if you see a person standing with a pointed foot they’ll be directing it to the person they think is most interesting or attractive. Conversely, if you’re talking to someone that wants to leave you’ll see their foot pointed towards the door.

7. Arms crossed, legs crossed.

If a person crosses their arms and legs, they are not interested in communicating. If you notice this while speaking in front of a group, your audience is not engaged.

8. Handshake equality

Dominance is often expressed using a handshake. If you meet someone and they shake your hand with their hand slightly above yours, they want to dominate you. A completely equal shake where both hands meet and remain parallel to one another (no hand is above the other) shows respect and even power.

9. Pupil dilation

This one is tough to identify but highly valuable. If a person is in a positive mood, becomes excited or is attracted to something they see, their pupils will dilate. If you’re good a detecting dilated pupils it can help in sales positions or if you’re single and want to know if your date is interested in you.

10. The upper hand triangle

If you’re in a negotiation, playing a game or having a friendly debate, and you see a person bring their hands together and place them into a peak position (they make a mountain with their hands) this means they believe they are confident that they are winning the deal, game or debate.

Now you know how to decode body language, use the ten gesture cues to understand what the people you interact with are not saying and are silently communicating. If you see a negative cue, you’ll be able to address it. A positive cue will let you know that you are on track and should continue the conversation.

And, keep in mind that context (ie. the environment and specifics of a situation) matters. This should also be considered when assessing body language cues. For a detailed guide on how to be a superior body language decoder grab this cheatsheet you can print and refer to.

[aio_button align=”left” animation=”none” color=”grey” size=”small” icon=”file” text=”Download Cheatsheet” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://awesomelifeclub.com/body-language-cheatsheet”]

-or learn mastery – buy my definitive ebook…

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The barrier that’s in your way of achieving your dreams

Is it time to raise your standards?
Is it time to raise your standards?

Living the life you dream about – y’know the one you think about in your head while you’re physically doing things day-to-day that you don’t particularly love? – takes guts.

It takes a willingness to confront and consider things you may not feel like considering. It often takes getting a bit uncomfortable. It takes taking bold actions.

But if you are truly serious about living a life you love – a life that has you pinch yourself everyday and ask yourself: “is this really my life?” – then you need to ask yourself this question: What, in your life (right now), are you settling for?

In other words, is there an area of your life that you are not entirely happy with? Where you don’t feel fully self-expressed? Something you’ve been putting up with for a while now? Consider all the important areas: Your physical health; your relationships; your growth as a person; your career; your spirituality.

Maybe you’ve been looking at your bank account. You see the same numbers month to month and you’re not happy with what you see. Or, maybe it’s your weight. Perhaps you can’t bring yourself to step on the scale because you don’t want to see that number.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are desperate to change an aspect of your life and you feel you’ve been taking certain actions but then you always end up back again in the same place you don’t like to be?

The number on your bank account always seems to stay around the same amount. The weight on the scale goes down for a few months but then it always goes back to that number you’re not happy with.

It’s easy to make short-term change, but how do you make a lasting change?

Your ability to make lasting change is related to the standards you have for yourself. These are core believes that come from what you’ve learned in the past.

Many become unconscious to you – you exhibit certain behaviors and take certain actions without being aware, without seeing or considering why you do these things.

So, to make lasting changes in your life you need to do this one thing: RAISE YOUR STANDARDS

How? Here are five methods. #5 is a simple tool you can use today!:

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Method 1: Wait till you’re in crisis and you reach an “emotional threshold”.  Being in a crisis state can drive you to reach an emotional peak where you decide a change is mandatory. In these moments you see that your behaviors and actions NEED to change in order for you to maintain you’re survival.

This is the person who goes bankrupt and then realizes they need to learn new ways to be responsible with money. Or, the person who gains 350 lb and has a health scare. It’s only then that they get for themselves that they have to change because they can’t bare the pain of living this way forever.

This is not an ideal way to expand your standards, but it works.

Method 2: Focus on incremental progress. When you notice you have a standards you want to expand build small actions into your day-to-day life to begin to raise your bar. Raising your standards is limited by your beliefs. When you take small simple actions you start to see progress you increase your beliefs in your ability.

For example, if you’re an entrepreneur and your business makes a consistent $10,000 a month challenge yourself to make $1,000 more the next month. When you slowly start to reach these small goals you will raise your standards.

The problem with this method is that it can take a significant amount of time.

Method 3: Examine your standards to see why you have them. Sometimes simply noticing, being aware of, the ceiling you put on yourself can help you take actions to expand it. When you see the barrier, you can consult with yourself it moments where you notice it and choose to take new actions.

In a moment, where you see that you are about to accept that job where you don’t love the salary but think maybe you should accept it because you’ve never made more than the amount it offers and you think it would be crazy for you to make more because you’re parents never did, you might be able to stop yourself.

Method 4: Spend time in environments and with people that raise your standards. This method is one of the most effective. When you surround yourself with people who have higher standards than you do you may start to see things as possible for you if they are possible for them.

This is also a great way to build desire in you and nothing is more powerful than desire to get you into action and move you in the direction you want to go.

Here’s a personal example: In my early twenties, I worked as an event planner. During this time in my career I had access to multimillionaires. I went to exclusive events. I spent time in mansions. Seeing people living in incredible spaces not worrying about money and having more control and freedom, inspired me. It had me see that I could achieve what they achieved. The disparity between us decreased.

Method 5: Use my raise your standards instantly formula.
Methods 1 through 4 involve time and effort. You can immediately shift your mindset and raise your standards if you use this my 8 step formula. Grab it for free here.

If you notice a behavior you can’t seem to change the issue is the standards you have set for yourself and need to expand. It’s the one thing to focus on to elevate your performance in all areas of life.

Use the formula above today and let me know what you think.

The barrier that’s in your way of achieving your dreams