The importance of belief



How important is belief? I’d say it’s right up there, just below your capacity to breathe. What you believe about yourself and the world is the deciding factor on what you can achieve in life.

So, believe in yourself. Believe in people. Believe in miracles. Believe in life. Believe that the universe is pulling for your success. Open yourself up to life.

If you make a conscious effort to believe in the magic of life you will see miraculous things happening every day all around you. And you’ll inspire others to open up and jump into the awesomeness of life.

Take a moment to consider where belief has died for you?  Is there an area of your life that’s missing your belief in yourself or in someone else? Make an effort to give up what’s in the way. Make an effort to believe and see what happens.

And if you haven’t joined the coolest free club on the web that’s dedicated to your greatness find out more here and join today.

Quote of the week – August 1 – 7


You can’t stop time. This is neither good or bad, it just is what it is.

It means that with time and without doing anything – without taking any actions – things change. It’s inevitable. You can stay in the same place, in the same job and with the same people, but change will happen. So it helps to be good with change.

Buddhist theory has an name for it: “impermanence”. It reminds use that the world is always in a state of constant change.

This quote is also a reminder that your clock is ticking. Your life is getting shorter. What are you doing this day, in this moment, to make your life more a reflection of you than it was yesterday? Are you progressing? Or, is life progressing around you while you stay the same?

You should also consider this question: What have you been avoiding? What action has been in the back of your mind to do?

Perhaps, it’s finally time you get in action around that one thing or things. No one is going to make your life happen but you.

It’s time to wake up.

Might even be time you joined the coolest free club on the web dedicated to your awesomeness 😉 Join Awesome Life Club.

-Kay Walker

….and the ALC team


What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?

What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?

What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?We all have reasons that seem valid, but for the most part, they are BS. Are you willing to give up a reason that’s been holding you back this week?

Here’s one that gets in the way for me: “I have too much to do”. I say this constantly and get lost in feelings of overwhelm. It has me lose focus for what I need to do. Yes, it’s true I have a lot to do but I have a incredible amount of tools, training and support to do it all. So, it’s bs and it gets in the way of me having what I want. I’m giving it up this week!

What are you giving up? Do you see that there is a constant complaint or reason you put out there? Please share in the comments below! It’s likely it’s the same for someone else.