How to decide if you should write a book

Do you dream of writing a book one day?

You’ll want to read this post for the truth on what it is like to author a book, and if it’s worth the effort. It will help you get clear on whether writing a book is a dream you should go after, or an idea that you should retire.

The truth about writing a book

Last month my book Super You: How Technology is Revolutionizing What it Means to Be Human hit bookshelves and online retailers across the United States and Canada, and around the world.

It marked a major milestone in my life. I had always wanted to write a book and knew I would some day. Now, I’ve written three. Two I self-published. And this most recent book was published by Pearson Education (under the Que imprint). Pearson is the second largest book publishing company in the world.

I’m not the only person in the world to dream about writing and publishing books. I hear it a lot. So does my husband who has written 5 books.  Many people want to do the same. Being understood is a deep desire for all humans. So, it’s no surprise that people are inspired to write books.

So, here are the goods…for better and for worse.

You may read through this and declare book writing is not for you. That’s perfectly fine. In fact, it’s quite noble to retire an idea you once had that you recognize now is not for you. And better you come to the realization sooner than later, so you can stop being mad at yourself for not getting in action around that book you think you should be writing.

If this post doesn’t stop you you’ll want to read the post: Writing a book: Getting started.

What you need to know about writing a book before you write the first word

1. You will not get rich:
Few authors ever make much money writing books: Most business non-fiction books pay an advance of $4,000 to $15,000 to write the manuscript. It is paid out during the writing process in chunks. When you deliver the full manuscript and the book goes on sale you pay that back through royalties on sales at the rate of about $1 to $2 per sold book. So if you earn $10K as your advance you need to sell 5000 copies to break even on the advance. If you don’t you never see another cent, although you do not have to pay your advance back to the publisher. If you sell 50,00o copies then you’d see income of #500 to $100,000 less your advance. Here’s the worse news…few books ever sell more than about 1,000 to 2,000 or so copies.

2. Making time to write is not easy:
Writing a book is not easy. In most cases you have to fit in writing time around your already busy schedule. This is true whether you self-publish, or  if you are backed by a publishing company. Our book Super You took two years to write with two authors (me and my husband Andy) then we brought on our friend Sean Carruthers to help us finish the last few chapters. All told we worked on the book 10 to 20 hours per week each. The book was very research heavy. Besides fitting in writing time you also have to fit in time to plan and research. Depending on the type of book you’re writing, this could be an incredible amount of work. It was for us. Super You was painfully research heavy. I interviewed major experts and then had to try and understand different fields of research so that I could distill the information down and make it something mainstream readers could understand. As I said earlier, the book took almost three years to complete. Writing was done in between a 9 to 5 job that paid the bills and other important things I had to manage and don’t get paid for, like: being a mom, wife, and taking care of myself. If your book doesn’t require the expertise of others and is more about imparting your wisdom, the book writing process can go much faster. (Andy wrote his first book in four months every morne for 3 to 4 hours before work and a half day on Saturday). It takes time.

3. Writing is not something you do only when you’re inspired. You have to take it on like a full-time job:
When you write a book, it’s a job. If you wait to be inspired to start to write, to get into the right head space, then good luck.  There are ways to get yourself in a writing groove so you feel like writing, but some days it doesn’t come easily. You need to write consistently every day regardless of whether you want to or not. (Especially true if you have to meet a publishing deadline!) If you’re self-publishing you might not choose to write each day. You’re on your own time. But, this will slow down your process of getting your book done. Stick to this rule: Write for 3 to 4 hours a day. Few writers can produce quality work once they hit hour four in a day.

4. The emotional journey of writing feels like this. Having a strong emotional IQ and being willing to stay committed is crucial:
When you start writing you’ll have a cascade of ideas and you’ll likely think they are great. You’ll likely feel like this book writing thing is going to be awesome and a piece of cake. You may soon find this is not the case.

-Wow, I have a publisher. This is unbelieveable


Depending on the book, the writing process can be daunting. It can be painful at times. There are times where you will love yourself and think you are a brilliant writer. And, there will be times where you hate yourself and the book and wish the whole thing would end. I want to tell you to be prepared for the journey. But you won’t be. You can’t be. Just have to do it. And then know what for what you are in for the next time you you think “I should write another book”. You’ll need to develop techniques to deal with your emotions. For instance, if you’re having writer’s block, a trip around your neighborhood in the sun might help you get in the groove.

5. Be clear on why you’re doing it:
We’ve talked about money, so put that aside. It’s not a good way to get rich. Thats said, a nonfiction book can be a door opener for a lucrative speaking career. Fiction writers not so much. But bestselling fiction writers can make their money off of film and/or TV rights in some cases. Even if you’re backed by a publisher, you have to do a lot of work after the book is written to promote it. The publisher makes it easier, but in the end the success of your book depends on you. Be clear on why you’re writing your book before you start, because in the dark days when you are mid-manuscript you’ll need to reach down and pull that reason out and get cosy with it to keep going.

6. It takes a community:
Writing a book requires a team of people. You can’t do it alone. Don’t even try. You might be doing most of the writing yourself but you need the support of loved ones to keep you going and potentially additional writers, researchers or ghost writers. You also need one or more editors. You’ll need a graphic designer to create the front and back covers. If you sign with a publishing house they will provide these. If you self publish, you’re on your own. Then you need to hire a company to print your book. You can do this cheaply if you self publish by using companies like 99designs and printing books in China, this can count as your “team”.

7. During the period you are writing the book, you’ll likely go through periods of “why the hell am I doing this again”?
Book writing can feel kind of lonely at times. It may feel like you’re spending hours going nowhere. This is because your book has not been received by an audience yet. Each day you get up and you write. You do this sometimes for years. And there are times where you get a bit lost. You wonder: Why am I spending hours writing this? Will people love it? Where am I going? Am I out of coffee? Who drank all the wine?

So let me ask you a question…After reading this do you still want to write a book?  

Yes? Then read: Writing a book: Getting started. I’ll tell you what you need to know about publishing vs. self publishing, how to get a publisher, and give you all the tips I’ve learned that will make the writing process much easier for you.

No? No problem. This is good news. Focus your efforts on another dream.

And if you have a question about the book writing process I would love to hear it. Post in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer you quickly.

How to get happy: Be grateful

If you think negatively about life or yourself, from time to time, it is ok. It is simply part of being human. Unfortunately, no one has ever figured out how to be perpetually happy. Though most of us would like to learn how to get happy and stay happy permanently.

The truth is being upset or depressed is a survival mechanism that your brain uses to tell you to take an action that moves you from pain to pleasure. It is the brain’s job. So, it helps to learn how to break away from negative thoughts and to think more positively.Happy Young Woman Sitting In Yoga Position

A strategy that helps set negative self talk aside is the practice of being gracious. What helps is conjuring up feelings of gratitude towards people, situations or objects. That is because either a) you temporarily setting aside your negative thoughts, or, b) you completely shift your context of your current situation.

The benefits of grateful thinking

Your brain on gratitude

Your brain is that it can only think one thought in one given moment of time.  Even though it may feel as though you have many thoughts reeling through your mind at the same time.  When you ponder positive stimuli no attention is allotted for negative thoughts.

Being grateful is a positive mind state. And when you focus your awareness on a memory, person, or object that you are grateful for, your brain activates blood flow in brain regions that increase production of a crucial “happy” brain chemical called dopamine. This quick release sends your body a quick flood of feeling good emotions.

In 2009, the National Institutes of Health examined brains of subjects thinking thoughts of gratitude. They had higher levels of hypothalamic activity and increased dopamine levels.

How to be grateful

Many experts suggest keeping a gratitude journal and logging what you are grateful for each day to help you cultivate this type of positive thinking, so it comes more naturally. This can be a useful practice.  A study from UC Davis (2003) reported that adults who keep gratitude journals are more determined, attentive, enthusiastic and have higher energy levels than those who don’t.

But, learning how to get happy by being grateful doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s as simple as thinking about a memory, person, or object for as little as five minutes a day. Follow these quick steps when you feel negative or catch yourself putting yourself down:

Here is how to get happy:

Step 1: Stop all activities.

Step 2: Do whatever you need to, to take a five or ten minute “time-out”. You may need to close your eyes. You may need to physically leave your environment.

Step 3: Inhale and exhale deeply while you think about a memory, a person, or an object, that you feel blessed to have in your life.  **If it helps to look at a physical object, like a picture, you can use that, as an aid**

Follow these three steps whenever you need to or want to.  The more you do it the more you will help your brain stimulate the release of dopamine.  This is good news, because when dopamine is released in the brain your brain responds by saying “I want more”. It’s the same chemical that’s produced when alcohol is ingested, which is also how addictions occur. But this is a very healthy addiction to cultivate.

And if you’re in such a bad mood you can’t think of anything to be grateful for, refer to this quick list:

  • Recall a moment in your life where you accomplished something you are proud of
  • Think about the birth of your child or children
  • Replay memories of your first kiss or your first love
  • Remember the day you married your significant other
  • Be grateful to be in a body that works
  • Think of a moment where someone made a difference in your life
  • Smile and think of a pet that you love

To be grateful ist acknowledge the incredible life you lead and have led. It’s an incredible way to get happy on-demand. Start the practice  today and see what difference it makes.


7 daily food and fitness hacks that make health easy

7 daily food and fitness hacks that make health easy

1. Sweet potato toast in the morning

Sweet potato toast makes an awesome breakfast. It was invented by food blogger Kelsey from
Sweet potato toast makes an awesome breakfast. It was invented by food blogger Kelsey from

I heard about this trend on social media a few weeks ago. One morning food blogger Kelsey from was was out of toast. So, she decided to slice a sweet potato and toss it her toaster. It was a brilliant discovery that garnered her a lot of attention, including a write up on Huffington Post.

My initial thoughts: I was intrigued, but in the back of my mind, I felt quite certain that its execution would prove disappointing. Sweet potato toast? How would that go?  Would toasting a sweet potato cook it enough? Wouldn’t the outside burn?

Out to prove the world wrong – that sweet potato toast was a dud idea – I tried it.

And now, I’d like everyone to know that I’m eating my words right alongside regular helpings of sweet potato toast. It’s fast become a favorite breakfast in my home.

The key is to keep toasting the sweet potato until it’s lightly crispy on the outside and feels cooked on the inside. So, you might want to put it through a couple rounds of the toaster depending on what heat level it’s set to.

P.S. Want another cool and yummy food secret? Try soursop fruit. Look it up!

2. Build a brain connection between fitness and fun

If you hate working out it’s likely you have a brain pathway thfitgirlat has become cemented overtime that has connected displeasure to fitness. You need to retrain your brain to see fitness as fun.

Daily workouts are a favorite time of day for me. This is because I always combine a workout with something I love.

I hated running but now I run with audio books. Learning is one thing I’m obsessed with so when I run I “read’ and now I can run for hours.

I also lift weights while watching reality tv shows. They are one of my guilty pleasures.

When you mix workouts with fun you teach your brain to create a happy connection with fitness.

3. Resveratrol

If you want to live a long healthy life take the supplement resveratrol. It’s been scientifically proven to lengthen lives in studies with mice.

Studies with humans are underway though it will take some time prove its effectiveness since we need to wait a while for the humans taking it to get old!

I had the privilege of speaking to Dr. Sinclair, the doctor who discovered the miracle drug, in the research for my latest book Super You. You can read about it by grabbing a free longevity chapter from Super You here.

4. “Bowl meals” for breakfast, lunch or dinner

I was inspired by the restaurant chain Ciccio Cali’s on this one. They are all about the “bowl culture”.bowl

For those that aren’t familiar, here is how it works: When you go to their restaurant you pick a starchy or salady base – rice, noodles, kale, spaghetti squash, potatoes – to line the bottom of your bowl. Then, you pick a bowl flavor – Mexican,  Asian, Thai. Depending on your choice, your bowl is then layered with a selection of veggies and meat. The last step is a drizzle of a sauce.

We do bowls multiple times a week. I switch them up so they are fun but the method is the same. My family loves them and they are easy for me to whip up.

Here is how I would prepare a Mexican bowl, to give you an example:  I throw some rice on the stove, along with a pan of sauteed onions, cilantro, cumin spice and black beans. When the rice and beans are ready, layer a bowl with rice then beans. Top this with chopped tomato, peppers, more cilantro, a dollop of guac and sour cream and then some nachos crunched for texture. Easy to prepare and delicious with all the textures and flavors.

4. Mid-day tea breakteatime

Recently the ALC team incorporated a daily 3pm tea break into our work culture. We all stop what we’re doing and have tea together. We make it special by having a selection of teas, cookies and mugs that inspire us.

This gets the team through the afternoon hump. It also has team members come out of hiding from behind computers and connect. I think it’s something all companies should do. Also great if you work from home.

5. Lettuce wraps

A more delicious way to eat your veggies! Instead of a salad eat lettuce wraps.

Get some butter lettuce, chop some veggies, cook some rice and beef, tofu or chicken. I always make a quick peanut sauce with peanut butter, agave nector (in replace of sugar), siracha, lime juice and water. Simple, easy, quick and yummy!

6. Gaba rice

I recently learned about gaba rice as an alternative to brown or white rice. It’s a middle ground. My family hates brown rice but I won’t serve white. In my search for a solution I learned of gaba.gabarice

It contains 120% more fibre, 614% more Magnesium, 964% more Vitamin E, 475% more Antioxidants (nutritional info sourced from the Whole Grains Council).

It also contains more GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), an amino acid found in many health foods including regular rice varieties. GABA also exists as a crucial chemical in the human body that lowers anxiety and blood pressure, improves cardiovascular function and regulates sleep. Gaba rice has four times the GABA content of regular brown rice, and ten times the GABA of white rice.

7. Follow the 80/20 rule

80% of the time, eat healthy, whole foods. 20% of the time, indulge in foods you love but aren’t the best for you. Workout 80% of your days. Slack off 20%. You can’t always be good. If you try to than you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Bottom line: Make health and wellness easy and enjoyable.

And for more awesomeness delivered straight to your inbox join Awesome Life Club now.

Quote of the week – August 1 – 7


You can’t stop time. This is neither good or bad, it just is what it is.

It means that with time and without doing anything – without taking any actions – things change. It’s inevitable. You can stay in the same place, in the same job and with the same people, but change will happen. So it helps to be good with change.

Buddhist theory has an name for it: “impermanence”. It reminds use that the world is always in a state of constant change.

This quote is also a reminder that your clock is ticking. Your life is getting shorter. What are you doing this day, in this moment, to make your life more a reflection of you than it was yesterday? Are you progressing? Or, is life progressing around you while you stay the same?

You should also consider this question: What have you been avoiding? What action has been in the back of your mind to do?

Perhaps, it’s finally time you get in action around that one thing or things. No one is going to make your life happen but you.

It’s time to wake up.

Might even be time you joined the coolest free club on the web dedicated to your awesomeness 😉 Join Awesome Life Club.

-Kay Walker

….and the ALC team


What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?

What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?We all have reasons that seem valid, but for the most part, they are BS. Are you willing to give up a reason that’s been holding you back this week?

Here’s one that gets in the way for me: “I have too much to do”. I say this constantly and get lost in feelings of overwhelm. It has me lose focus for what I need to do. Yes, it’s true I have a lot to do but I have a incredible amount of tools, training and support to do it all. So, it’s bs and it gets in the way of me having what I want. I’m giving it up this week!

What are you giving up? Do you see that there is a constant complaint or reason you put out there? Please share in the comments below! It’s likely it’s the same for someone else.


What reason is stopping you from being awesomer?