7 Daily actions that make you feel good and keep you motivated

I was recently asked for some coaching expertise on daily actions anyone can take to feel good and stay motivated, so below are 7 daily actions that make you feel good and keep you motivated.

Of course, before you do any of the things below you have to be someone who continuously CHOOSES to be fulfilled, to be happy and feel good.

In the end, it’s all about who you choose to be moment to moment. The more you train yourself to be happy and fulfilled and get back to it when you’re not feeling it, the better you’ll become.

7 Daily actions that make you feel good and keep you motivated

1. Be grateful. Stop what you’re doing for a few minutes each day (and especially when you’re in a negative funk) and take the time to either think about the things in your life you are grateful for, or write them down.7 Daily actions that make you feel good and keep you motivated

Be intentional about being grateful. It’s an easy way to feel joyful, get inspired and bring more great situations and people into your life. Learn more about why gratitude rocks, here.

2. Get grounded in what you’re committed to from a big picture perspective. Every morning, Steve Jobs used to ask himself: “If today was the last day of my life would I be happy about what I’m about to accomplish today?”.

An easy way to feel good in the present when you have things you aren’t particularly inspired or motivated to do is to get present to your future goals, what you are trying to achieve. If you’re working towards things in your life that excited you (which you should be!) then it’s an easy way to get immediately inspired.

Think about your future self and what you’re working to accomplish. Visualize it and take it into your day.It will dictate what actions you need to take. And you’ll always be progressing an moving forward.

3. Talk to yourself in the mirror. Before you leave the house in the morning take a moment to acknowledge yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself out loud that you are brilliant.

Get present to your greatness. Think about awesome times you achieved incredible things in your past. Reflect on how great you are.

Doing this every day will translate to massive confidence and producing incredible results in all areas of your life.

4. Make a difference for someone else. There is nothing better than doing something incredible for someone else just for the sake of it. This can be anyone – a stranger or friend or lover.

Express your kindness and generosity. Don’t be stingy with your love. Really be in the moment when you are with other people. Make them feel heard and loved.

5. Do some high intensity aerobic activity. This type of exercise stimulates endorphins and the release of the feel good chemical dopamine.

So, get your body moving. It’ll make you feel good and likely when you look in the mirror at your awesome body you’ll feel pretty motivated too!

6. Do something to treat yourself. Every day you should do something you consider fun just for the sake of fun. Indulge. Watch a show you love. Eat a snack you love. Grab a tea break with a friend. Life is to be enjoyed. It’s fine to be serious but you also need to let your “freak flag fly” regularly.

7. Do something physically taxing. Even if you only do it for ten minutes, do something to really challenge your system. It will help you build resiliency. It will also help you stay motivated. When you’re in a negative state the quickest way to shift it is to shock your body.

And of course, another structure to keep you feeling good and to help you stay motivated is to join Awesome Life Club, the coolest free club on the web dedicated to your greatness.

How to have people love you by being an amazing friend

Use the six methods below to be a people magnet. Not only that, you will deepen the connections with all the people in your life (and soon-to-be in your life!) that are important to you – your lovers, family members, friends and coworkers.

While all the relationships you have are different, they require the same qualities of being an amazing friend.

How to have people love you by being an amazing friend

1. Listen more. When you spend time with someone, really listen to what they say. Give them the space to express themselves. Allow them to lead the conversation.

Woman greeting her boyfriend and embracing. Young woman welcoming her friends at party. Young friends arriving at rooftop party.

All people have a deep desire to be heard and understood. And most people are terrible listeners. Giving your listening to other people is one of the most generous gifts you can give.

When you listen to people they love to be around you because they experience being listened to. This makes them feel important.

2. Share authentically. Share authentically about what you’re out to accomplish in life. Share about your victories. Be honest about your struggles.

Sharing authentically creates deep bonds, because in most cases what’s happening to you, others can relate to. When you share relatable experiences it brings you closer to people.

When you share about your challenges it also ignites in others a desire to help you in any way they can. Most people love to be of service to others. Let them. And be of service back.

3. Make the effort. If there is someone in your life or someone you want to get to know, don’t wait for them to invite you somewhere, take this on yourself.

Even if you’re the only one who seems to be making a consistent effort, if you want a relationship with this person, keep doing it. Most people aren’t good at taking initiative. So, if they don’t reciprocate planning or inviting you places, keep doing it until they do. Take 100% responsibility for who you are in all relationships.

Drop your expectations. Give unconditionally. Be useful where you can. Make people who are important to you feel special.

4. Hold people to their greatest self. This isn’t about flattery, it’s about seeing the greatness in people that they don’t see for themselves and then holding them to it.

For instance, let’s say you have a friend that is supposed to give a presentation and hates public speaking. They say to you: “I’m not a natural performer and I have nothing good to say. I don’t want to do this”. You say (and you really think this): “Are you kidding? I’ve seen you present and it blew me a way! You are so great with people. They are engaged in what you say. And you can talk about so many topics. To be honest, I think you’re such an incredible presenter that you should be on tv”.

When you do this, people get who they are beyond what they think of themselves. They see their greatness in you and it has them want to be around you. You lift them up.

5. Be a vault. Trustworthiness is a crucial quality for successful relationships. You should feel safe with the people you care about just as they should feel safe to confide in you. Be a vault. If you desire to tell someone else’s secret, tell yourself to”shut up”. Protect your friends as you would wish to be protected.

6. Cut the gossip. Don’t gossip about people. Period. Start relating to gossip as a disgusting habit. It’s not that you can’t speak about others, just don’t say bad judgmental things about them. Great relationships don’t require gossip to foster bonds.

Keep in mind: If anyone in your life engages in gossip with you, they likely talk about you to others behind your back. If they try to engage you in gossip just stick to saying nice things about the person your speaking about or change the topic.

Stick to these six rules and you’ll attract people easily into your life. You will also become a better person yourself. Someone you are proud to be in relationships. You’ll learn more about life and about yourself from the people in your life. And they will learn from you.

Life is all about relationships, choose them wisely. Go be with people that make you smile, laugh and inspire you to be your best you.

For free communication tools and formulas join Awesome Life Club.

How to believe in yourself

Some people are better than others at believing in themselves. But we all have moments where we think: “I can’t do this”, or, “what I want is not for me”.

Believing in yourself is the first step in changing anything in your life. It’s a necessary component for success.

Ultimately, your belief in you is what dictates what you have and who you become in life.

So, here is what you need to know about belief so you can believe in yourself and get back to believing in yourself in moments where you lose it.

How to believe in yourself


Somewhere in you’re past you learned that you weren’t good enough. It’s something we all learn. We go from thinking we are invisible to having an instance or instances where we get we’re not perfect.

Knowing this is what has us doubt ourselves and our ability. Some people do this more than others.

It’s important you train yourself to recognize how awesome you are. It’ll dictate what you accomplish in life and who you are with other people. When you believe in yourself you become ultra powerful, regardless of the noise that sometimes goes on in your head.

When you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll waiver on making choices because you’re not settled in who you are. If you continue to live like this you will never get the vastness of your greatness.

You need to focus on loving yourself. Sounds cheesy perhaps, but if you learn to love yourself you will start to get really clear on everything in life. Believing in yourself will become easy.

Here’s how to build your “I believe in myself” muscle:

  1. Create an Awesome You list. Develop a list of all the qualities you have that you love about yourself and moments where you’ve accomplished things in the past you are proud of. Provide evidence of your greatness. Every day you need to read your list. Use it especially when you aren’t feeling confident. This might help you: Gain confident on demand
  2. Mirror work. It’s uncomfortable but it’s the most effective way to become better with you. Spend 5 minutes in the morning looking at yourself in the mirror and speaking to yourself. Tell yourself you are awesome. Get to know the person in the mirror. Get to love them. It’s tough but if you’re willing to conquer your initial feelings about the process, you’ll soon learn that this is one of the most effective ways of getting you to a more confident place. It will also translate to massive results in all area of your life. Basically, when you are really good with you and love yourself, life works.
  3. Stop putting yourself down when you make a choice on something and it doesn’t play out as you intended. Stop relating to yourself as “good” or “bad”.  Instead, start looking at everything you do as effective or ineffective. When you take an action that is ineffective consider why it didn’t work and develop a structure moving forward to avoid this in future. There’s no such thing as failure. You’re not bad. Whatever action you took didn’t work. It’s important you stop combining the two.

Sometimes you need to tell the negative voice in your head to “shut-up”. Really. When your thoughts don’t serve you say to yourself “thanks for sharing” and move on.

And this goes for everyone: stop being so damn hard on yourself! You’re awesome. You’re human and not perfect. We’re all works in progress at different stages.

Want to get what you want in life with free tangible tools and formulas each week? Then, join Awesome Life Club!

How to tell if someone is lying

Would you love to know if you’re being lied to?

There are three simple body language cues below you need to commit to memory. They’ll be easy for you to remember if you connect them to this saying about fibbing that you’ve likely heard before:

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil“.

The proverb is well-known in North American. It’s said to have originated in China and came from a code of conduct established by famed philosopher Confucius. He taught: “Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety”.

In plain terms, what he meant was: Don’t lie or be involved in lies.

It’s a good rule to live by.

What’s most interesting about this saying is that all people have body language reflexes that are automatic and fire when they try and cover up a lie. There are three directly related to this proverb. Whether there is an intentional connection or not, if you remember the proverb above it will help you locate fibbers in your midst.

Here are three body language cues from the ebook: “The Secret Art of Body Language: Decoding the Minds of your Lovers and Rivals.”

3 signs you’re being lied to


The eye rub is a telltale sign of a liar

A telltale sign of lying is when the liar touches or rubs their eye while speaking. It’s the brain’s way of closing the eyes to the deceitful words being expressed from the mouth.


Did they grab or rub their ear? they may be lying

A person who plays, grabs or scratches at their ear lobe while speaking could be lying to you. Twirling or playing with the hair may also signal lying.


how to tell if someone is lying

A fibber might cover their mouth when they lie. It’s an instinctive, automatic response that the brain fires to try and block the lie from coming out of the mouth.  A liar may simply touch their mouth, cup their mouth or play with their lips.

These three body language cues will help you decode deceit. To learn more and become a quick master in body language – which, is important to know since 55% of communication is expressed through physical cues! – you also might want to grab this 64-page ebook: “The Secret Art of Body Language: Decoding the Minds of your Lovers and Rivals.”

How to tell if someone is lying

How to believe in yourself

Some people are better than others at believing in themselves. But we all have moments where we think: “I can’t do this”, or, “what I want is not for me”. Believing in yourself is the first step in changing anything in your life. It’s a necessary component for success. Ultimately, your belief in you is what …