5 scientifically proven keys to happiness

The science of happiness: 5 proven keys to happiness

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Want to know what the science of happiness shows as the secret to being happy all the time?

Here’s a hint: PERSONAL GROWTH.

If you’re learning and growing as a person every day you’ll feel great. It’s really that simple. Doesn’t matter where you start. Just keep taking action towards the things you want and acknowledge even the tiniest progress you make.

The 5 scientifically proven keys to happinessscience of happiness quoteIt’s why happiness key #1 below is incredibly important. It’s the mother of happy and it’s important for your overall levels of feeling fulfilled.

Happiness keys #2-#5 are all about the daily actions you need to take to keep your dopamine levels flowing.

Read on to learn what science of happiness says are the five keys to being happy. Incorporate them into your life and measure how you feel.

The science of happiness: 5 proven keys to being happy 

Happiness key #1: Define your reason for living (you’re “raison d’etre“)

Step 1: Ask yourself what an inspired future looks like to you?

First, you must always be working towards a future that fulfills you. So, you need to constantly ask yourself what you want at different stages of your life. What does a future that inspires you look like?

Step 2: Take small actions every day towards that future

Take action daily towards that future you dream about. Because, how to be happy all the time comes down to one thing: PROGRESS.

If you’re progressing in little ways towards a life that inspires you, it will give you a deep satisfaction, one that you own and no one or thing can take away.

When the progress stops because you stop taking action or you get stuck in what to do, you’re happiness levels will dwindle.

Happiness comes down to you. It comes down to you answering the big life questions that only you can answer. And then you need to TAKE ACTION.

That’s how science says to achieve lasting happiness.

Now, there are also some simple daily rituals you should incorporate into your life to maintain a daily level of happiness. Because, sometimes when you’re taking action towards a life that inspires you it makes you long-term happy but it doesn’t keep your daily dopamine levels surging.

So, using the science of happiness, and take add these simple actions to your day:

Happiness key #2: Get in some aerobic activity

The higher intensity the aerobic activity the better. The science of happiness shows that aerobic activity gets your happy brain chemicals flowing. It also keeps your body in check from a health perspective and that’s important for your overall happiness.

Happiness key #3: Connect with people

These days most of us are sitting at computers and connecting with people online. That’s not the same as connecting with people in person.

Scientists say that being with people has the same chemical effect as taking a drug like cocaine. But being with people is a much better way to get that dopamine flowing. Spend time around people that make you feel good each day.

Happiness key #4: Contribute

This can be as simple as making your partner a sandwich. Making a difference for another person or a group of people is the greatest happiness booster. Little things make the difference.

Happiness key #5: Be grateful

It’s the best way to turn a bad mood into a good one and it’s easy. Close your eyes and visualize the little things you’re grateful for. Alternatively, you can write them down. Being grateful heightens the energetic frequency your body emits.

And, it’s easy to be grateful even when you don’t feel particularly good. If you are breathing and your heart is ticking you’ve got something to be grateful for.

Being happy is up to you. If you take the consistent actions to be happy even if your thoughts aren’t there, they will follow suit.

In the end, life is to be enjoyed. Don’t waste your precious time feeling anything but good about who you are and what you’re up to achieve. And, if you need a structure to support you join Awesome Life Club for free tools to build the life of your dreams.

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